MaNGA Ancillary Targets

About 5% of all MaNGA targets come from one or more of the ancillary target programs, designed to accomplish additional scientific goals to those of the main MaNGA samples. These pages describe the scientific motivation and detailed target selection criteria of each program, and indicate how to get data for ancillary program objects.

Some ancillary programs are self-contained science projects in themselves, some represent calibrations or refinements of the MaNGA spectroscopic programs. The first set of MaNGA Ancillary programs were selected in a competitive call for proposals among the SDSSIV collaboration in July 2014. A second call for proposals occurred in January 2017.

Why observe ancillary programs?

The number density of the MaNGA main sample targets is not uniform on the sky, and in regions of lower-than-average target density, not all of the IFUs on a plate can be assigned to core target categories.

Parallel ancillary target programs were solicited to provide additional targets that could be used to fill these unallocated IFUs on every plate. In addition we felt that the broader scientific goals of the MaNGA survey could be enhanced by making a further small number of IFUs available (~5%) to target rarer classes of galaxies that represent important phases in galaxy evolution, but are underrepresented in the three main samples.

In addition to the parallel observations, programs for dedicated plates, where all the targets on a given plate are ancillary targets, were also solicited. Such programs are designed to allow the targeting of complementary samples that require a differing observing strategy from the main survey.

As part of DR17 we are releasing the data from the 19 existing ancillary programs, as well as one MaStar programme. The ancillary target programs have flag data stored in MANGA_TARGET3, also appearing as MNGTARG3 in some summary files.

MaNGA Ancillary Programs on Shared Plates

The table below gives summary statistics for each of the ancillary target programs in DR17. The Targets column gives the number of potential targets over the full SDSS DR7 footprint as listed in the targeting catalog MaNGA_targets_extNSA_tiled_ancillary.fits. The number of targets that were actually observed over the life of the survey is given by the Observed column. For more information about each program, including detailed target selection information, click on the name of the program.

Program Description MANGA_TARGET3 / MNGTARG3 Targets Observed
Luminous AGN Sample of luminous AGN selected from Swift BAT, [OIII] emission or WISE colors with Lbol > 1e45 erg/s designed to study the influence of AGN on a broad range of galaxy properties. 1,2,3,4 267 69
The Structure of Void Galaxies Sample of Void galaxies designed to look for evidence of different evolutionary pathways in this very low density environment. 5 31 4
Edge-On Starbursts Observations of highly star-forming galaxies to study the morphology and ionization state of material driven from the galactic disks in large-scale outflows 6 115 58
Close Pairs and Mergers Observations of galaxies in various stages of merging, spread over a range in galaxy properties. 7,8,9,10 511 114
Writing MaNGA Observations of Galaxy Zoo galaxies that for letters in the word MaNGA (for outreach purposes). 11 13 2
Massive Nearby Galaxies The observations of the central regions of these nearby massive galaxies will provide much higher spatial resolution than the main MaNGA targets providing a important systematic test as well as several additional science analysis such as studies of Kinematically decoupled cores and even central black hole mass estimates. 12 310 70
Milky Way Analogs Observations of Milky Way like galaxies to provide insights into how the Milky Way fits in the extragalactic context. 13, 23 550 76
Dwarf galaxies with MaNGA Observations of a sample of Dwarf galaxies with M* < 1e9 Msun sampling a range of environments. 14 247 30
Early-Type Galaxies with Radio Jets Observations of massive early-type galaxies showing radio jets to look for evidence of star formation suppression spatially coincident with the Jet. 15 52 10
DiskMass Observations of face on disk galaxies already observed as part of the DiskMass survey, with the goal of testing and calibrating dynamical measures. 16 15 7
Brightest Cluster Galaxies Observations of BCGs in halo mass ranges not well represented in the main MaNGA samples 17 377 54
MaNGA Resolved Stellar Populations Observations of very nearby galaxies with resolved color-magnitude diagrams from the ANGST survey. 18 4 3
Coma Cluster Observations of galaxies and intra-cluster light in the Coma Cluster. 19 - 6
IC342 Observations of regions of interest in IC342. 20 - 50
M31 Observations of regions of interest in M31. 21 - 18
SN Environments Observations of supernova host galaxies to constrain their progenitors. 22 85 25
Post Starbursts Observations of post starburst galaxies. 24 182 24
Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxies Observations of giant low surface brightness galaxies. 25 21 3
SNIa Hosts Observations of galaxy hosts of type Ia supernovae. 26 60 14
MaStar Globular Clusters Observations of globular clusters for the MaStar programme. 27 10 8