MaStar Catalogs
The catalog for the MaStar stellar library is available through the mastarall-v3_1_1-v1_7_7.fits summary table file.
Summary Table File
The mastarall-v3_1_1-v1_7_7.fits can be downloaded from the Science Archive Server at this link.
The data model for the mastarall file can be found here.
The mastarall file is the summary table for all of the MaStar targets. It compiles together information from input (targeting) catalogs, observation information, and the pipeline process. It does not contain actual spectra. It can be used to search for MaStar targets with a given set of selection criteria (e.g. sky location, stellar parameters, spectral quality). The naming convention is mastarall-[version1]-[version2].fits, where [version1] and [version2] are the versions of the pipelines used to produce the file. [version1] is the version for the MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline (v3_1_1 for DR17) and [version2] is the version for the MaStar post-processing pipeline (v1_7_7 for DR17).
This file has 4 extensions:
- GOODSTARS: Contains stars that have at least one high quality visit spectrum. Each entry represents a unique MaNGAID, which usually corresponds to a unique star, except for a few cases listed on the MaStar Caveats page.
- GOODVISITS: Contains all of the good visits of the good stars. If a star has more than one good visit, it will have multiple entries in this file. The order of entries in this table corresponds exactly to the order of entries in the mastar-goodspec file, described on the MaStar Spectra page.
- ALLSTARS: Contains all stars that have been observed, regardless of the quality of the data. Each entry corresponds to a unique MaNGAID.
- ALLVISITS: Contains all of the visits of all of the stars, regardless of the quality of the data. If a star has been observed on multiple visits, it will have multiple entries in this file.
We strongly recommend the user to use only the stars contained in the GOODSTARS extension and the observations contained in the GOODVISITS extension. The additional stars and visits in the ALLSTAR and ALLVISITS extension still have quality issues that need to be fixed in the data reduction pipeline. The spectral quality flags are described on the MaStar Spectra page.
Note on Photometry
We provide more uniform sets of photometry in the MaStar Crossmatch Value-added Catalog (VAC), where we have cross-matched all sources with Gaia DR2, Gaia EDR3, PanSTARRS-1, and 2MASS photometry whenever a match can be found. We recommend using the MaStar Crossmatch VAC for photometry information.
PHOTOCAT | MNGTARG2 bit | Meaning of PSFMAG[0-4] |
sdss_dr8 | bit 11 | PSFMAG[0-4] correspond to SDSS ugriz magnitudes |
ps1 | bit 7 | PSFMAG[1-4] correspond to Pan-STARRS1 griz magnitudes |
apass_dr8 | bit 8 | PSFMAG[1-3] correspond to APASS DR8 gri magnitudes |
gaia_dr2 | bit 16 | PSFMAG[1-3] correspond to Gaia DR2 G, BP, and RP magnitudes |