MaNGA Firefly value-added catalog
FIREFLY is a full spectral fitting code to derive galaxy properties as described in this page. There are two Value Added catalogs related to the FIREFLY code: a MANGA VAC and an eBOSS VAC). This page describes the MANGA VAC.
Compared to the FIREFLY VAC in DR15, the radius in HDU4 is now given in elliptical coordinates and the azimuth is added, too. Masses in HDU11 and HDU12 are given per spaxel and as total mass per Voronoi cell. We do not provide absorption index measurements anymore.
Data Access
- MANGA firefly SAS folder containing:
- manga_firefly-v3_1_1-miles.fits - full catalogue for the M11-MILES variant, downloadable fits-format file, ~6.1 GB
- manga-firefly-globalprop-v3_1_1-miles.fits - minimal data table (M11-MILES variant) only including global properties and gradients (HDU1-3), downloadable fits-format file, ~2.8 MB
- manga-firefly-v3_1_1-mastar.fits - full catalogue for the MaStar variant, downloadable fits-format file, ~6.1 GB
- manga-firefly-globalprop-v3_1_1-mastar.fits - minimal data table (MaStar variant) only including global properties and gradients (HDU1-3), downloadable fits-format file, ~2.8 MB
- mangaFirefly CAS Table
Basic Galaxy Properties (HDU1)
Other basic galaxy information used in the MaNGA VAC, e.g. the effective radii (Re) values, the axis ratios and position angles used to assign Re fractions to x- and y-positions on the sky are adopted from the NSA catalogue and are available through the MaNGA DRPall file. The kinematics (stellar velocities and velocity dispersions) used to derive the properties in this VAC are available from the MaNGA Data Analysis Pipeline (DAP).
Global Properties (HDU2)
Gradient Properties (HDU3)
Spatially Resolved Quantities (HDU4-15)
Spatial information (HDU4, HDU5, HDU15):
The bin number, x position (arcsec), y position (arcsec), radius (in Re) and azimuth of each cell of the 2-dimensional maps are provided in HDU4. The geometry of the IFU is given in HDU5. The corresponding S/N ratios (per pixel within r-band) are in HDU15.
Stellar population parameters (HDU6-14):
The light-weighted and mass-weighted stellar ages (log age/Gyr) and metallicities (dex), E(B-V) (mag), mass (log M/Msun), remnant masses (log M/Msun), and surface mass density (log M/Msun/kpc2) with associated errors for each spatial bin are provided in HDU6-13. The full star formation history per spatial bin reflected by the mass weight per SSP is provided in HDU14.
FIREFLY spectral fitter
FIREFLY derives full star formation histories and provides light- and mass-weighted stellar population properties (age and metallicity), E(B-V) values and stellar mass for the most likely best fitting model. Light-weighted properties involve weighting each stellar population component by their geometrically averaged total luminosity across the wavelength range, whereas mass-weighted properties involve weighting by the stellar mass contribution over the wavelength range. Errors on these properties are obtained by the likelihood of solutions within the statistical cut (of order 100-1000).
Rest-framed, emission-line free spectra and velocity dispersions are needed as input to the FIREFLY code. Both the kinematics (velocities and velocity dispersions) and the emission-line spectra are determined by the DAP (Westfall et al. 2019) using an adapted version of the pPXF code by Cappellari & Emsellem 2004.
In the 'mastar' variant of the DR17 VAC, the MaStar models described in Maraston et al. (2020) are used, based on the MaStar stellar library (Yan et al. in prep.), with Kroupa IMF (Kroupa 2001). In this VAC, version 1.1 of the models is used. The models use a combination of the stellar parameters derived by Hill et al. (2021) and Chen et al. (2020). These models cover the full wavelength range of MaNGA spectra, i.e. 3600-10,300A, with a grid of metallicities spanning -2.25 < [Z/H] < 0.35 and ages spanning 0.003 < Age(Gyr) < 15.0.
In the 'miles' variant of the DR17 VAC, as well as earlier DR15 version of this VAC, the input stellar population models of Maraston & Stromback 2011 are used, based on the MILES stellar library, with Kroupa IMF (Kroupa 2001). Each spectrum was fitted with FIREFLY over the wavelength range 3600-7500A, with a grid of metallicities spanning -2.3 < [Z/H] < 0.3 and ages spanning 0.0065 < Age(Gyr) < 15.0.
Example fits to binned spectra and stellar populations maps are shown below:
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Note: For technical details regarding the code, see the aforementioned papers. The latest version of the FIREFLY source code is available on github. The version used for the DR17 VAC is tagged as v1.0.1 on github. The version of FIREFLY used for earlier versions of this VAC is still publicly available on the SDSS SVN as Firefly fitter (v1_1_0) code, which depends on a set of publicly available stellar population (v1_0_2) models. We recommend that you always use the latest version of the FIREFLY code.
Python plotting script
python [plate] [ifu] python [plate] [ifu]
on the commandline. Replace [plate] and [ifu] with the numbers of the datacube that you want to plot.
By default, the scripts use the 'miles' version of the VAC, this can be changed in the scripts.
DR15 MaNGA Firefly Value Catalog
We have written a small python script (available on github here) as an example of how to plot maps from the MaNGA DR15 FIREFLY VAC. The fits file of the VAC should be downloaded and by default placed in the same directory as this script. The script should then run directly by typing python on the commandline. The script plots the map of one property of a single galaxy, and can be adapted to plot other properties and galaxies.
Please note: there is an minor issue in the SNR compiled in the DR15 MaNGA FIREFLY VAC which is artificially shifted from measurements by -9999 by mistake. To use the SNR information, you need to shift it back by adding 9999 to the value in the VAC.
Primary References
Goddard et al. 2017, MNRAS, 466, 4731
Parikh et al. 2018, MNRAS, 477, 3954
Neumann et al. 2022, MNRAS, 513, 5988
Other Related References
Chen et al. 2020, ApJ, 899, 62
Cappellari & Copin 2003, MNRAS, 342, 345
Cappellari & Emsellem, 2004, PASP, 116, 118
Hill et al. 2021, MNRAS, in print
Maraston & Stromback, 2011, MNRAS, 418, 2785
Maraston et al. 2020, MNRAS, 496, 2962
Sánchez-Blázquez et al. 2006, MNRAS, 371, 703
Westfall et al. 2019, AJ, 158, 231
- Daniel Thomas
- Justus Neumann
- Jianhui Lian
- Claudia Maraston
- Taniya Parikh
- Daniel Goddard
- Kyle Westfall
- Johan Comparat
- Sofia Meneses-Goytia
- Violeta Gonzalez-Perez