BACCHUS Analysis of Weak Lines in APOGEE Spectra (BAWLAS)

Thomas Masseron, Christian Hayes, Jon Holtzman, Jennifer Sobeck, Anibal Garcia Hernandez, Katia Cunha, Verne Smith, Sten Hasselquist
Alternative Pipeline Catalog

This catalog contains elemental abundances of neutron capture and other weak-lined species (Na, P, S, V, Cu, Ce, and Nd), as well as C12/C13 isotopic ratios, for a subset ~120,000 stars in the APOGEE DR17 giant sample with high signal-to-noise spectra. Transitions that arise from low absolute abundance elements, such as the neutron capture elements, in the H-band wavelength regime generally require a boutique analysis in order to measure abundances precisely. We used the BACCHUS (Brussels Automatic Code for Characterizing High accUracy Spectra; Masseron et al. 2016) code and APOGEE DR17 calibrated stellar atmospheric parameters for the derivation of these abundance data. More details on the content of this VAC can be found in Hayes et al. (2022).